Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer time

Mia has been having a very nice summer.... basically she has turned into a fish. So far her forehead has only bothered her once but after a good nights sleep, she was better in the morning. Thankfully it has been a busy yet uneventfull summer since her surgery. We would like to thank our everyone who has stopped by to drop something off, or just to see Mia for a few minutes to all the mail she has received. It really means alot to us and touchs our hearts that so many of you love our little princess Mia so much.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Post op - Day 3

Mia has been doing very well after a much deserved relaxing weekend. She has been very busy making necklaces and braclets for us & her kitty. Last nite she took off her bandage and her forehead looked good. It was still swollen from the injections but you couldn't tell were the injections were located. Mia was so excited that she pulled it off and it didn't hurt at all.

Friday, June 24, 2011


It has been a long day for our little princess Mia. She is so amazing. From waking up very early this morning to having a plan for the anesthia to recovery. Every step of the way Mia has been strong and positive. We are finally home were she can rest & relax for the weekend. She should be getting her bandaid off her forehead Sunday night. We will see then how it is heeling. After that it will be a few months before we meet back with the doctors so that can see any changes via an ultrasound. Until then, Mia can enjoy some of her favorite summer activities like swimming, playing outside on the swing set and riding her bike.

We love you princess!!

Recovering with some friends

Mia is now relaxing in her room. She received a few animals to help her thru it. She loves here momo's!

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Just talked with the doctor, everything went well and we are waiting for Mia to get into recovery so we can see her. Mia did very well with the going to sleep part, hopefully she will come out of it ok.

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In surgery

Mia did very well going into surgery. It's been a long morning for her. We had to get up around 5am to be at the hospital by 6. Mia was alittle nervous this time but after talking with her about how they are going to put her asleep she did great. We have about 3 hours till we can see her in recovery. We'll be waiting anxiously.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011


We had a long day of testing today for tomorrows surgery. Mia did very well so we are ready.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Post surgery check-ups

Mia had her post surgery check-up which went very well. The Dr. who did the surgery sat with us for almost an hour to go over how Mia has been the past two months. He did an ultrasound on Mia's forehead to see if the injections are working... they are! The areas were they did injections are not showing any blood flowing in the tissue. That's a good sign that nothing is growing in those areas. Of course we couldn't see the area between the inner & outer skull, that will require an MRI. At least outside the skull is showing promise. With this news, we are looking to schedule another injection soon and this time he will focus on Mia's eye orbit. This will hopefully take pressure off her eye and start improving Mia's vision.

Mia also had another vision check up too which went pretty well, for the most part. The Dr. felt that her vision could start getting better in Mia's right eye. We did get a new prescription for glasses and her left eye will just be plain glass, just need to work on the right eye.