Sunday, February 7, 2016

Long weekend

It's been a long weekend. Starting with the ER trip Thursday night / Friday morning. They never did figure out what was causing Mia to get the high fever or abdominal pain. All the Dr's guessed it must be something viral and there is nothing they can do or give her. Best thing we can do for Mia is keep an eye on her temperature, which got up over 102° of and on Friday into Saturday. Switching between Tylenol and advil was the only thing to help give her some relief.
Then came Sunday, finally. .. a good day. Mia woke up after 7 and had her happy smile back. Such a relief after the close monitoring and wondering what was going to happen next. It was a relaxing day of Lego's, rumikub and Yahtzee. Hopefully Mia will continue feeling better tonight, get some good sleep and be ready for school Monday.

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