Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Pain & next surgery

The past few months Mia has been having flare ups in her mouth. She stayed home from school all of last week. The spots were inflamed, painful and bleeding. We were able to get an appointment at UW on Friday in the anomalies clinic to see a plastic surgeon, neuro surgeon and ENT to see what our options are. We found out that these spots are not just on the surface. From the last MRI they could see that the malformation is not just superficial, its growing above the roof of her mouth. They compared it to an ice burg in the sense you only see the tip, not what sits below.

The first step we will be taking is a laser surgery that will give temporary relief, healing the bleeding lesions. Once that has healed, they will discuss doing injections to shrink the malformations like they have done in her forehead and cheek. However this has some risks due to the nerves and arteries that run thru the the roof of the mouth.

Surgery is setup for Thursday, just not sure of the time yet. Probably the afternoon and will require an overnight stay. We will post the time once they we have it.

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