Saturday, November 14, 2015

New Medication

Mia saw her pediatrician Friday for a pre-op check . She also got a flu shot we are not normally flu shot people but the Dr highly recommended it because of the new med . He also said this medicatin is a very big risk for something that may not even work.... but that he understands and hopes that it does work for Mia. He just emphasized the necessity of extreme precaution to take with mia while she is on this med. She will have her blood drawn and urine tested every two weeks . Mia will also take an Antibiotic every weekend due to the med lowering her immune system.  If her body can handle the medication it will be about 6 months before we can tell if its actually working. Last night she went to a girls night at her school and had a great time had been awhile since I had seen her that happy ... plus Daddy came home from Texas last night too !! Today was pretty rough on all of us really mia had pain most of the day on her head,eye and mouth.  She also started the med today which was rough on Rich and I because we are just nervous about the side affects and immune suppressing . I think we've both shed  a fair share of tears today . If Mia gets any kind of virus or anything it will be very scary and she will need immediate medical attention .We are both scared and hopefully ..... Thank you everyone for the texts, prayers and thoughts !

Even through all of this Mia has maintained straight A's in school and has kept her humor ...

The other morning Addy was laying on the couch Squealing and whining . Mia says "Addy if you were a baby bird ,your mama would have left you in the nest and never came back for you ." Lol ...


  1. Cindy sent us link to your blog. Our hearts are really broken for all of you as you are going through so much. We are praying for Mia that medicine will work and she won't suffer any side effects! Uncle Jake and Aunt Nancy

  2. Cindy sent us link to your blog. Our hearts are really broken for all of you as you are going through so much. We are praying for Mia that medicine will work and she won't suffer any side effects! Uncle Jake and Aunt Nancy
