Friday, January 30, 2009

The little Dancer

It has been some time since our last post. Mia is doing well and the swelling has gone down more. For a while there was quite a large dimple on her cheek which was from the fatty tissue they had to remove. Lately it seems the dimple is only visible when she smiles. Not sure why this is happening like this, but we going to be asking the Dr on our next visit. Mia's mouth has definitely improved since the surgery. We still like to take a peak at it just to see how its looking. All in all, she is doing very well and has started taking Pre-Ballet dance class, thanks to her "other" momo. She is so excited on her dance nights, when she puts her tights, leotard, tutu & dance shoes her smile never stops going from ear to ear. It is so cute to watch her stretch and follow the instructor. She even gets to see one of her angels, Taylor. Between her dancing, wrapping up her grandpa Ralphie and playing with her brother and sister, Mia is definitely enjoying life.