Sunday, February 7, 2016

Long weekend

It's been a long weekend. Starting with the ER trip Thursday night / Friday morning. They never did figure out what was causing Mia to get the high fever or abdominal pain. All the Dr's guessed it must be something viral and there is nothing they can do or give her. Best thing we can do for Mia is keep an eye on her temperature, which got up over 102° of and on Friday into Saturday. Switching between Tylenol and advil was the only thing to help give her some relief.
Then came Sunday, finally. .. a good day. Mia woke up after 7 and had her happy smile back. Such a relief after the close monitoring and wondering what was going to happen next. It was a relaxing day of Lego's, rumikub and Yahtzee. Hopefully Mia will continue feeling better tonight, get some good sleep and be ready for school Monday.

Friday, February 5, 2016


We just got home. .. they did a full workup, x-ray, CT scan, blood work. .. they didn't find anything pointing to what caused the high fever. Xray of Mia's chest showed a possible slight start of phenomena but ruled it out. No real answer on what happened but good news that her white blood cell count was normal and her body was trying to fight off whatever it was.  They did give her some antibiotics before we left so hopefully that and some sleep will help Mia.

Sweet dreams princess, we love you.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

CT scan

Mia just came back from he CT scan. Really hoping they see something. So frustrating when our little girl is in pain but there is nothing they can do, maybe this time will be different. At least her fever the has come down but it's been up and down all night. The Dr said he would be in shortly with some results. ..

ER visit

I wish I had better news to update everyone with. Today during gym, they were playing dodge ball and Mia got hit in the stomach. She went to the nurse and then called Brandy to pick her up. Once they got home she started to feel weak. Then Mia started to get a fever at which point we call her chemo medicine Dr.

So here we are again. They are checking her over and getting her prepped for a CT scan in a couple hours. For now we wait.