Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Follow up & back to school

Yesterday Mia went to her follow up from her appendix surgery. The doctor said that everything looks good and seems to be healing well. We did ask the question about weather or not the chemo medication had caused the appendix situation ?? The answer the doctor gave us was as we had suspected  ,,,there really is no way to tell if the med was or wasnt the reason this happened with her appendix .
The oncologist also called and said that we could re start the chemo meds . We are so torn on this ,,it's such a difficult decision to make. Do we give her the meds and risk another possible infection of some kind ?? Or do we not and give up our hope for finding something that could possibly help with her LM???  Rich and I have decided to have her continue taking the med (as long as there are no further complications ) for the next 2 months . At that time March 11 Mia is scheduled for another MRI at UW and a followup with her oncologist to see if the med is doing anything to help ?
Mia did go to school today and had a pretty good day .
We are so very greatful that mia has came through this so well now all we can do is stay positive and give it to God !!!

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