Friday, January 8, 2016


Mia just got a visit from her principal and one of her teachers Mr. Protz . It is truely amazing the thoughtfulness and care shown by all of the staff and students at the school.The principal had even called us to check on mia the day we came home from the hospital. On Wednesday the school nurse called to check on her , Mia & the nurse have become quite close this year as Mia has been going through this tough time. It is a blessing to know that she is there for Mia. They brought mia all of these wonderful treats and a card signed by her classmates and teachers. There really aren't words to express our graditude for everything. ...thank you and this support and knowing everyone cares for oir little Mia helps so much in keeping not only Mia but mom & dad stong as well . I did get a call from the Oncologist today and have to call her back and will update on that later today.  

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