Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Mia is still having some pain from her surgery and then last night and today she has complained of pain in her right eye (where she has the lymphatic malformation ) . She is doing a little better each day and everyone's love & support are the best medication she could get.  Mia got a very nice suprise visit from her best friend Gwen tonight , thanks again to Kristen Gwen's mom and  her sisters for coming too !! It was so sweet they brought mia a gift and some beautiful flowers too.
Thanks to everyone who has been checking in on Mia it means so much to her to know that everyone cares so much.  Her surgical follow up is scheduled for next Monday afternoon and then hopefully she will be back to school on Tuesday .
Addy update : surgery scheduled for next Friday January 15th at UW Family Children's Hospital.

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