Sunday, January 3, 2016


   Rough morning. ..Mia was having quite a bit of pain when she woke up this morning she had went too long through the night with no pain meds They were going to give her morphine through the IV to help get her pain under control  but the IV was bad and this was already her 2nd IV. They took the IV out and gave her a pain pill instead which seemed to help her. She's been up walking a couple times but said she didn't realize how much you use your stomach muscles . She got to have some vanilla ice cream which she loved.  Busha, Julie ,Ian, MoMo Svedin , Addison , Aunt Nikki, Bella,Mariah, Aunt Britt and Keegan all came to visit her which made Mia Happy. Once they left she started to have some pain again and laid down in bed ,she has been sleeping since then. ..and Daddy is asleep too !!   We were hoping to possibly go home tonight but I think it may be tomorrow before we get to go . Will update more later . Thanks to everyone for all of your prayers, love and support ..we are blessed to have you all !!

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