Monday, January 4, 2016

Home ....

We have been home for a few hours now . The car ride and getting into the house were a little rough so she had some pain this afternoon. She had legos from auntie Tammy and MoMo Norton when she got home so that made her happy. She stared at the boxes for quite awhile , then after a dose of pain meds this afternoon her and mommy started to put one of them together. The oncologist called me this morning to check on mia and said we are going to stop her chemotherapy medication. Which is both a blessing and a curse . The chemo med was very scary but was also basically our only shot for a possible treatment for where her LM is growing in the bones of her skull. The surgeon in Ohio at Nationwide did say if the chemo med didn't work that he would attempt to inject the areas but he has only done it like 1 other time and it didn't really help anything .
On a side note we had to take Addison for her follow up this morning with her ENT from UW . We found out she does have some cysts growing back in her  ear again and she will be having surgery at UW sometime in January . For Those of you that didn't know Addy lost her hearing in her right ear last spring due to a cholestoma cyst they found that had grown so large it had almost reached her brain ,, so everything in her ear was removed . The surgeons hope is that once she removes the new cysts that she's going to attempt to rebuild Addison's ear so that she may regain some of her hearing.
We are all looking forward to sleeping at home tonight!!
Thanks everyone for all of your love and support !

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